First name
Other initials
Email address
Telephone number
Monitoring of Equal Opportunities
We support current Equal Opportunity legislation and policies. Please would you provide the following information for monitoring purposes only. Your response will not be included as part of the questionnaire results. Please note that; This information is strictly confidential. You do not have to answer this question. The following classification is recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality.
My ethnic origin is
Permission to use your data.
We are continually working to improve the reliability and general quality of our questionnaires. We would like to retain your data in order to improve the questionnaire for future completors. Your data will be kept securely and analysed only in groups. The group analysis will be used to improve the questionnaire and in particular to develop new reference groups; that is, to tell future questionnaire completers how they compare against other groups of people. We may also compare groups and publicise the results of the differences between groups.
I agree to my data being retained.  Yes